EDIT: OH NO!! I FUDGED UP THE DATE!! The 1st of April is supposed to be
when Patreon gets a new page! This website will have a new page
on the 8th of April NOOOO NOW MY "no joke" IS A JOKE!!! crap crap
crappedy crap
okay I'll make ANOTHER doodle on the 1st of April to rectify this (I REALLY DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE AN APRIL FOOLS!!)
I did this doodle all in traditional inks (with a School G (nikki) nib pen and brush to color in grays), no digital edits at all, it was fun!
Anyway, I'm working on other things, and I gotta write for the next LTT chapter so see you soon!!
Supporters on Patreon will have pages a week in advance, as usual :)