All righty folks, let's take this lil' doodle break as a chance to keep you updated on stuff going on my side, here we go!
- I'm preparing things for the fourth and final Book 4 of Go Get a Roomie! for a crowdfunding that will be launching in May!! Lots of stuff need to be done, like reviewing strips, making the book cover and backcover, the intro and index page, layout for bonus art page, along with all the merch stuff to do, etc etc!!
- Speaking of GGaR, the rerun is still ongoing->
- I've recently finished a 20 page Harlivy NSFW fancomic too! You can find it on (or gumroad) for $10! It takes place within the Harley Quinn: Animated Series universe, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out :)
- also Patreon is still a thing, very much a cool neat thing, if ever you wanna support this wee artist
That's it! Thanks for your support and see you next Tuesday!
AAAAH I forgot to mention too! There's going to be a change of comments for this comic on Monday! I'm switching from Disqus to the beta Hyvor comments! There might be a little down time while Hiveworks techs make it happen, for one or two days. Don't panic, stay calm, and drink your favorite pet while petting your favorite tea and all will be well!